What challenges are left?

As the Individual takes over our world and their lifestyle encroaches via The Internet what challenges are left for humanity to achieve?

A challenge, for these individuals is presented in terms of A to B, round the world, pole to pole, highest, lowest, hottest, driest, etc.

But the Real human challenges remain unresolved. Starvation, lack of drinking water, a roof, warm bedding/clothes, food. Left to Charities because governments have failed.

Now Charities have failed with sexual abuse scandal, CEO salaries, etc.

As the human population continues its in fighting about land, weapons, ownership, the planet deteriorates. We had until 2050. Now 2031, if you believe Science.

Many challenges have come and gone but the continuation of the human race is ever present. To rely on the Planet, the weather, etc to provide a solution is too laissez faire, laid back.

Surely, we have the intelligence, foresight and acceptance that our fate is at least partly in our hands.? To abdicate that responsibility, as Politicians, their backers and Big Corporations are doing is not good enough.

However, they have no vested interest in stopping their pursuit of profit, get rich schemes, maintain consumerism, why would you stop doing something that makes you Rich?

So while some demand, insist, petition ‘the powers that be’ maybe others resort to doing their own thing (to help) — recycle, reuse, reduce.

Of course you can only do this if you are affluent in the first place. You cannot recycle what you ain’t got. Laudable though it may be.

We have plastic-bottled water. They still walk to a well with a bucket to collect water. Surely, the money should have produced free drinking water at point of home for those that need it, All of us, instead of plastic bottles of water. But there is no profit in maintaining human life only exploiting human life.

So the challenge yet to be achieved is fresh water, food, roof for all!

This should be The Priority?

#TWAS. 😎

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