A Yearning for life

There are many reasons why humans exist, survive, endure hardship, thrive, succeed, achieve, fail, rise again, enter the affray, come of age but why do some many of them choose to stop learning?

I have often pondered many philosophical questions?

Why or is the earth round?

If a + b = c then why do I always get z?

Why do people keep voting the government into power? And then moan, complain, etc about what they do or don’t do?

As these questions pass through my mind the inevitable happens I research them (or I don’t). “This is my Yearning to keep learning and motivation for life! The active brain is the computer of humans. Stop it and you might as well be dead?

So what floats your boat, Steve?

Fifty five years of existence and my interests are varied yet numerically quite small – so many things to do such little time. Running latterly triathlon from small beginnings that first cross country run at school – I like this to my most recent ultramarathon 40 miles of the Louise Smalley Walk and my first 10k effort, in 2018, at the famous Hardwick 10k.

Politics of many types but a preference for Anarchism, Art with a Yearning to be a poet, Parent/Guide/Significant person as a Youth Worker for 30+ years, parent for 24 years, grandparent for nearly 3 years. A rejuvenated interest in Real Ale and a quest to try many halves of different beers and post monthly on social media. Technology, although I do fall out with it regularly, to keep up with the kids.

Since becoming a part-time worker, Feb 2017, I have grasped the nettle of all that time I did not have and plunged into

Creative writing group once a month

Organised a charity fund raising running event

Volunteered at festivals

Trained for ultramarathons and currently 10k

Changed my sleep pattern (5/6 hours at night and power nap in afternoon)

Got involved in a political campaign (Anti-fracking) including setting up local group

By the way I still work 18.5 hours per week but less ‘work at home’ in fact none, no thinking about work when I am not there, chatting about work when I am not there, etc. etc. This mind stuff IS the source of my mental difficulties. Marx called it alienation. Caught in the grip of a dominant ideology? Gramsci explains ideology.

This brings me back to the humans who stop thinking and learning. Why?

Easier, less hassle, convenient, don’t understand therefore don’t bother, never thought of it, no one told me, etc. etc. Many ways for humans to ignore the very idea of bothering to learn something once you left school if you ever went and learned something while you were there?

Learners are often categorised as middle class they are not although they might be? Learning gives meaning to life as does children, drinking (addiction), or any other topic you care to choose – and there is the rub of the green – CHOICE!

Many humans do not perceive they have a choice to think, learn, act they just act? It’s middle class to think before you jump? Punch ask questions later is a human behaviour often associated with the working class, as if somehow not sophisticated? However, if you look and learn about the upper class, the Rich, the famous, the rulers, the people at the top table they are very violent in order to maintain or increase their power, domain, business interests, pastimes, etc. etc.

So if you want to choose to keep motivated and learn then you may want to consider why you continue to

Vote for government

Agree with schooling (education)

Support the NHS (in its current form)

Think people who say what they think are good?

Or continue choosing to not learn or think and just do what you have always done because there is nothing wrong with that?

Except YOU are agreeing/supporting by not opposing the following

Self employment being the only way to make a living (like The Rich?)

Public (private) schools being the best education (like The Rich)

Private health care (like The Rich)

Now has the penny dropped yet?

Your not Rich, and neither am I, and you won’t be its a lie! Just saying. 😎 😂 🤔 😱

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