Couch to Ultra (Feb 2018)

The month has seen me continue with the run ultra programme. Long runs ended with a reccy of spire route with a nice small group. However, one of my go to routes is the Higham Hill.

I have organised a Higham Hill Race. Facebook/events/Higham Hill Race.

Tuesday 27th March, 2018 6.30pm. The Greyhound Pub. DE55 6EF.

Now back to my focus, fuelling, hydration and time on feet. I have discovered powders that claim to fuel and hydrate, created snacks which meet fuel needs, real food and synthetic products. Due to race sponsors being Chia Charge and Tailwind I have starting using these in training and trying different combinations. As for real food good staples banana, peanut and jam sandwiches, and I also use Graze pots.

It is a good idea to know your race route and what will be provided at check points. And practice using them. Or just graze your way round the course.

February also saw me resort to road running to fit sessions in around life eg. Work, anti-fracking, grandson, autistic daughter, wife, elderly father, home chores and the like. So not single, child free, disposal income more married, mortgage, parent of child more than average needs and only half a salary after moving on in life to part-time work.

But enough about me the Ultra calls and the ‘time on feet’ must be achieved. So I have reintroduced walking as often as possible. To the shops, pub, work, with dogs, during time on feet, in my sleep, around the house walking is the new go to get fit  method. This is one of the best kept secrets in the running world. Shhhhhh nobody admits to walking.

So for this month I leave you with can you ditch the car and walk?

To finish is to win. 😎




Couch to Ultra (Jan. 2018)

Couch to Ultra (January 2018)

If you have not read my first blog on this here it is. Couch to Ultra.

So I decided to use Run ultra training plan as my basis for running Spire Ultra, now entered.

Basic programme consists of Tuesday to Thursday 4,5or 6miles with one as Hill reps, one as speedwork and one just a run. Weekend or double days consist of day one long run vary from 10m to 30m,or in my case 1.5 hrs to 7hrs followed by day two about 6m or half distance or in my case half time of day one.

During January I have completed all of programme except one run due to tiredness. Tiredness is a constant state of my being but this is how it will be on May 5th – race day. This is because unlike Professional athletes or amateur athletes who are free to train (avoid life’s responsibilities) I actually work, socialise, look after myself, home and family and get involved in politics – currently anti-fracking. (see other blog).

Back to the grind and much of my training involves the runners don’t do it – walking. Now for those experienced or well read ultra runners they will know about walking but the rest of us may be naive.

During training I have walked my

– normal everyday style

– race walked (wiggled my arse)

– swinging arm motion

– upright bent arm stance

Reminds me of ministry of funny walks (Mount Python)

At this point I would like to give a mention to Andy Mouncey. I was fortunate to have won a half days training with Andy back in September 2014. He took me through my paces. Introduced me to different styles for uphill, downhill and flat. Using poles. Being mindful of distance and inevitable walking. All to complete an ultra.

So another revelation befell me. Walking for a living would mean you are training whilst working. Quick get me that application form for post office worker.

Another plug Run Forest Mike Blair. Great advice, shoe fit and lacing options. I am now a Scott Kinabalu wearing trailtrunner. These shoes promote forefoot running but allow midfoot run/walk.

My learning curve sometimes is steep but every step leads to Spire Ultra. To finish is to win. 😎



Couch to Ultra.

You may be aware of a health programme Couch to 5k. Proverbially, taking couch potato self off on a daily walk, jog, run with aim of completing a 5k run/race.

Due to my age and experience I have taken the term and repurposed it for a much tougher goal – an ultramarathon. Now many of you will think ‘he is mad’ but I am meeting more and more people who are ‘going for it’

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So with this in mind and a series of episodes of running, triathlon, marathons, fell running (read previous blogs) I am training for The Spire Ultra on Saturday 5th May 2018.

So far, since June 2017, I have got off the couch walked/jogged round the block, used local off road routes/trails, completed a fell race once a month increasing distance and introduced stretches and strengthening exercises. This self coached approach has background from level 1 coaching awards in running fitness, sports massage, triathlon and other information sources.

Not a complete beginner you might say but still I have to put the effort in to reach the goal and reward. I plan to document, from now, my progress.

This was me after a recent training session in the snow. Two laps of local park on mountain bike and one lap run. Also been doing ultra training staple – back to back days, at weekends. Most recent Saturday 2.5 hours on Spire Ultra course and Sunday 1.5 hours trail run. These ‘time on your feet’ sessions need to be increased gradually to introduce your mind and body to the long haul of an ultra. I have also been walking more such as parking car and walking last half hour to work. All adds to time on your feet. To this end I realised if you have a job which requires walking a lot or standing, such as postal delivery, then does this help with training? Answers in comments please.

So 2018 has arrived, resolutions are written/made now it’s time to execute them. 😎

To finish is to win. 😎

Climate change

I am not going to use reports, research, scientific evidence, etc. Most governments of the world accept Climate Change – The Paris agreement. This is the global agreement that Donald Trump said US would no longer abide by.

So do humans actually effect the planet Earth’s climate I. e. weather? If so what are/can we do to slow it down or stop it? The often quoted 2degrees rise in the planets temperate is cited as a critical point of no return?

What causes the rise in temperature? Greenhouse gases such as carbon. Hence we all have a carbon footprint and maybe should reduce or offset it? But will sufficient individual human beings globally reduce their carbon footprint?

No consensus except whilst each individual is doing their bit large countries, corporations are producing more gases which nullify the mere attempts of the individuals globally. So what to do? Hence The Paris Accord for governments to do their bit to reduce greenhouse gases. However, the privately run corporations continue to add to the gases not reduce them? Much media has printed the whys and where first but the fact remains the planet is still heating up with the subsequent weather, and other, changes.

In the UK the government has talked about phasing out diesel cars. No mention of promoting electric cars. It’s also fairly conclusive that the northern hemisphere is producing more gas than southern hemisphere. So the onus is on the rich nations of the north to make the biggest impact on the carbon footprint? So what are we doing to combat the use of fossil fuels, the cause of greenhouse gases? We are ploughing on regardless in the name of business as usual, energy needs, the economy boost, etc.

So is this environmental credentials of recycling, reusing, reducing as consumers the real extent of our efforts until big business stops putting profit before the planet? I am more convinced than ever that the Class War between the working class, they who have to work, or dependent on the state against they who are cash rich enough to not need to work or receive off the state is the fight to save the planet from the humans with greed as their motive against the humans, who may be greedy, but do not have the means to regularly overindulge in the luxuries available.

So what to do?

Devote more time to fighting, not flighting, the cash rich and their greedy ways. But in order to do this work has to become less of a priority or not a priority at all. Flighting has been my nemesis I. e. Depression. I am strong at the moment. Hence I want to fight not flight. But the social, political, economic pressures try to drag me back to the norms of working class – work, rest and play but definitely not fight the rich, each other yes, rivalry in sport yes, etc.

So where to place my energies? The Anti-fracking campaign in the UK has been brought to my attention. They are a diverse bunch of people with differing approaches to the central unifying issue fracking. There are the people who pursue the so called democratic routes – representatives (councillors, MP’s), government departments, civil servants, petitions, etc. Some people just just chat about it in at least one formal of communication. Then there are the law supporters who see the law as a means to undo governments and big business. Much of this is couched in non law breaking, using system, democratic process and peaceful means. Then there are the radicals who dabble with the aforementioned but find it unsatisfactory and are attracted by Direct Action. So the movement has slow walked, blocked the gate using lock ons, delayed lorries and other site traffic to stop the fracking companies actually fracking.

The revolutionaries see the cash rich doing as they please using armies to protect their interests and this is the block to stopping fossil fuels continuing to dominant and not effect climate change.

Steve 😎 October 2017

Running Statistics

Maybe this running lark is just a symptom of the state of things in Capitalist nations?


Statistics. Who doesn’t love statistics? [1] Like the State of the Union, every year RunningUSA publish data and statistics on the state of the US running community.

The first result one reads is the steady increase in marathons finishers: from the few thousands of the mid-70s to the half a million of the past year. This phenomenon has prompted many to call for the first running boom since the 70s. Some have linked this renaissance of running to the current economic recession: the sport is fairly cheap and doesn’t require gym memberships, furthermore being active helps to feel better. Although this looks sound, it doesn’t fully address the observed phenomenon, since the numbers are from races and marathon fees can be as high as 150$: it doesn’t look like people laid-off could easily afford those races. Maybe the increase is not (mainly) among the unemployed 9%, but…

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Ultra beginnings

I won two prizes from Sam Robson`s raffle back in July.

Thanks To Robbie Britton for the ultra Julbo sunglasses.

The second prize a half days training with Andy Mouncey.


This came to pass on Sunday 7th September, as part of a weekend away in Lancaster. The itinerary had been agreed via email, with Andy, and started with my run of choice – A five miler round the Ingleton Falls walk.

A sunny day meant this warm up was a good start. A jog, a walk, a view of waterfalls  – perfect beginning. Andy met me half way round, on bike due to stress fracture, to check ok and point in the right direction.

Warm up finished. Andy met me with towel and drink on offer. A short walk to the café and tea and scone like an ultra checkpoint. We sat down and began to address the issues I had raised with Andy via email. This including a don`t, till now, for Andy. Apparently he does not do don`ts. Anyway his list of don`ts is now published.

His experience, both as participant and coach, was evident and instilled confidence in me that I could conquer an ultra.  Some say you just have to do it! I say gathering knowledge, testing in training and applying a method will minimise errors. Thanks to Andy`s insight I feel an ultra is within my capabilities.

Our final encounter was to practise ascent and descent techniques including poles for the uphill.  This was a useful introduction to the science of conservation.

The world of ultra marathoning is about to become another stage of my journey.

Thanks to Andy Mouncey.

The unpredictable art of running blogging

Heights of madness – Blogtastic!

Heights of Madness

I have been blogging for some years. I was a writer and journalist first. My original purpose was to support the publication of my first book, Heights of Madness, and my second and third books thereafter. Over time, graduated into a running blog – a blog that last week pleasingly surpassed 50,000 visits. Writing permits self-expression, reflection and can be a carthotic process, but writers also write to be read. As I tell my students, writing is meant to be read. Writing must have an audience. Writing must provoke a response.

What is always surprising, however, is what people want to read and what becomes popular. Every blogger will empathise with the time you spent hours crafting the apparently perfect blog, adorned with beautiful images and scrupulously edited, only for very few people to engage with your masterpiece. And then there is the blog that you knocked into shape…

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Lakes Virginity Popped!

2014-05-25 10.39.212014-05-25 10.53.40

2014-05-25 10.39.06



2014 arrived, my athletic goals were written down, training to evolve. The changes, which we are told are good for us, were coming and I acknowledged their existence. Work life balance would be effected. I prepared as best I could to manage the combinations – Family, work, sleep, training, coaching, eating healthily.

School runs (or not), pick ups, training early (6 am), household jobs, keeping contact with my parents, organising mini-breaks for my partner, helping eldest daughter with job hassles/uni stuff, etc. This may seem typical of a fifty something male with a job and children but what changes my particular situation is mental health status.

So, the blog returns ……… and the training and racing has continued…….

Jan – March was duathlon focussed more bike on turbo, for the first time, during winter with borrowed tri bars. A series of run sessions with speed and strength the aim. The introduction of twice weekly strength and conditioning sessions based on a set of home-based body weight exercises (including some the Brownlees do). Swimming took a back seat. This period was also the final lead into big changes in my job which turned out to be new base, two new managers/teams (0.5 in each team), three centres to `manage` (I have not had a centre to manage for about five years) oh and an impending pay cut of £5k (from April 2015).

Always look on the bright side of life, be positive, look forward and backwards, be happy, glass half full not half empty – ok I am running out of clichés, sayings, quotations, etc. The point being that if I was to not to fall into another depression I had to be strong mentally i.e. emotionally? Apparently, being positive would include not mentioning the things in the previous paragraph, only mentioning in positive words, etc.

I had entered Dambuster duathlon (8/3/14) and Clumber duathlon (22/3/14 – deferred from last year due to cancellation). Dambuster was a success 2`45 (as predicted) with both runs faster than I intended but bike slightly slower than I hoped. I requested Clumber be transferred to Southwell Triathlon and I completed it Sunday 18th May in 1`10 (improvement of 5 mins from two years ago). I completed BTA (British Triathlon Association) Event Organisers course, day of Clumber, and this made me rethink proposed Mansfield Junior Triathlon.

southwell tri 2014Southwell Done! 1`10

On May 10th we had a very successful Ashfield Junior Triathlon with 21 Mansfield Club Juniors participating, many volunteers acting as lead, marshalling, setting up, clearing up, timing, etc. My desire to replicate collective responsibility, albeit in a voluntary capacity, continues but it is hard going.

Meanwhile, I also competed in The (Yorkshire) Three Peaks fell race but DNF`ed for the first time. This was due to this iconic race having cut off times, I missed the second and last one, which makes finishing much harder. Three hours running, including two of the hills, Pen-y-gent and Whernside, proved too much for me. The final hill Ingleborough was not graced by me that day but maybe next year having  done more training.

So we are in the triathlon season and I have Nottingham Sprint(May 31st), Dambuster Olympic(June 21st), Newcastle Sprint (July 19th) and a middle distance triathlon (early September). This was to be interspersed with long distance fell races (AL category) but after 3 peaks I am missing some planned Lake District fell races, except Hellvellyn on May 25th, till late September.

helvellyn 1The smile of a man on a mission!

This is me heading to the checkpoint atop Helvellyn two hours and 10 minutes after leaving the start at Threkeld Cricket Club. After a short road section we turned right and the climb to Clough Head began – see picture at start of this blog. Yes that hill in the background about 762m to the crest, not the one in the picture, there was another which I scrambled up grabbing clumps of grass. Checkpoint 1 complete.

The next goal was Raise via Great Dodd by the two-hour cut off time. The route was marked but the path was fairly apparent and there were no shortage of runners in front of me but only when they were visible. The weather had been kind to us and was clear, warm (hot at times) with a light breeze in places. The previous day travelling had been rain, rain, heavy rain, rain, rain, etc. This helped to keep my spirits high as I kept reminding myself it could be worse, it could be raining.

I traversed most of the path and boggy terrain with determination taking the occasional one minute walk recovery and walking the hills at a point once the incline started. This was my strategy but the difference was my ignoring the heavy breathing by reminding myself of the pain that Jane Tomlinson must have endured to complete her endurance events.

I briefly caught, and ran, with a Calderdale runner who was running the race after a long spell of not running but seemed very confident we would make the cut-off if we kept pushing on. As we began our ascent of Raise the leaders began to pass us, pretty impressive, thus they had taken one hour 45 minutes to run to Helvellyn and back to Raise in the time I had taken to get to Raise the first time! YES I made the cut-off with 15 minutes to spare.

Onward and upward to the summit of Helvellyn. I had allowed myself the luxury of thinking all I had to do now was finish. The initial thought soon faded and was replaced by the loneliness of my trek to the foot of Helvellyn where I encountered a young man with a full rucksack climbing the jagged, uneven, steps up the side of the third highest mountain in England. We exchanged a few words as I passed him and I reached the plateau jogged to the checkpoint  to be greeted with the offering of a jelly baby and the suggestion I cut the corner by running across the grass rather than path. I duly did this if only to catch the runner in front. It turned out he was from Sheffield and had been training in Peak District, like myself. He remarked that most fell race courses in The Peaks were circular and with less climbing (smaller hills).

The return journey had begun and I was mindful of completing in around the same time both ways i.e. 2 hours 10 mins. Although my legs were beginning to tire I knew if I was to keep running I would need to control my breathing. In between negotiating the boggy areas I would remember to take long breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth. This is a technique I have practised in training and it works for me. It`s like exaggerate breathing. The premise is that functionally the human body cannot perform without oxygen therefore if you actively breathe in more air you give your body more oxygen. In practice this is controlled breathing rather than gasping for air which sounds like me `heavy breathing`.

By now I had two runners in black in my sights and a runner behind using walking sticks. The option to depart from the path and traverse a hill, which I did on the way to Helvellyn, seemed logical i.e. shorter. This was the case but a bit scary being on a hillside with a sheer drop below, feeling tired, legs/ feet unsure of footing, having to concentrate mentally but I made it. Ah back to the path but more hill to follow. Psychologically I find after half way, and the knowledge I can finish, the pain becomes more bearable. I am watching the watch and time is ticking on. I am making good progress and the runners in front, initially are not getter further away. My resolve is remaining intact and so far my legs have not cramped, around three and a half hours gone.

The weather is still good, visibility is an uplifting thing without it mentally you begin to doubt your ability to reach your goal.  I have always tried to embrace the `worst` conditions. I often state `I like running in the rain`. Having run in torrential rain during a race if it persists then morale can be effected. None of this is relevant today as I run the long slope towards our final checkpoint. I convince myself I am catching the runner in front.

I reach the pinnacle of Clough Head for the second time and I know the final descent awaits and the finish will be in sight. The steward informs me that the path is the safest route and not to leave the path to the left too early. I heed his words and duly follow the path but I didn`t see the markers down the hill-side. I spot th road and the gate at the foot of the path but realise I have gone too far on he path. I begin to cut across the boggy hillside to a group of people and the runner in front. As I do so the runner with sticks appears  to my left. I am not letting him pass. My energy level receives the boost it needed.

I career down the final stretch of hillside, speak to the marshals who guide me over the fence to the path and I set off to the finish like a gazelle who has just started the race. BANG! I miss judge my footing and land in a trench up to my waist. After a momentary daze I clamber out shake myself down and get on with the job of finishing. I reach the road and begin to feel at home on terra firmer. I meander round the curves of this typical winding country track only wide enough for one car till the final bend and the finish and Vicki waiting to greet me. I feel a great sense of achievement – having completed (never in doubt), having done relatively little specific training, having improved my mental resolve and only taking 2 hours 15 mins for the return journey.

Postscript my actual time is 4`20 therefore I ran an even pace for the whole of the race – yet another achievement.

2014-05-25 11.23.40A pub with good grub!

The final destination for food and rehydration (non alcoholic). The alcohol would be later.

It seems we are all on a personal journey (our life) but only some of us get glimpses of other people`s journeys.

Thanks to my daughter Freya for the photos and my partner Vicki for being at the finish.



Making the top-250: the UK’s real running heroes

If you read this and think
yes I am trying to be listed
yes I am hopeful of getting better (re: faster)
yes but it is not for me

Heights of Madness

It was in January when I overheard two club runners speaking about their seasons’ aims following a Surrey League cross country match. One said his 2014 aspiration was to be ranked among the top-250 runners in the country. ‘What distance?’ his mate asked. The other shrugged. He didn’t mind: as long as he made the top-250 in something.

The runners were referring to top-250 in the Power of 10 rankings, a list of the best UK athletes over a range of distances in a particular year. In the mid-2000s it was my ambition to simply be listed on Power of 10, let alone breach the top-250. Power of 10 was once elitist; runners had to gain a ‘fast’ time to earn inclusion. I remember the 10k cut off being 36 minutes. In those days I couldn’t break 37. Power of 10 has since been thrown open, with every result…

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Three of a kind

Three images on The Tyne – Baltic Contemporary Arts Centre, The Sage Music Centre and The Blinking Eye. An unlikely combination on the banks of The Tyne.

Another unlikely combination is The National Cross Country Championships and me. I decided to add these champs to my list of events completed. Having completed the Northern Cross Country Champs at Knowsley Safari Park four weeks earlier I was feeling confident of a good run.

Hopefully the course would be less muddy, less hilly and I would be fitter. Unfortunately the first two were to come true but the latter not so. I acquired a heavy cold, missed two weeks training and considered not even running. My chest was not fully clear, so the object of the day was to take it steady and finish. If I beat my time at the Northern XC that would be a bonus, although it was an easier course.

So the race began on a sunny, yet windy day. The mass start out of the pens, like a horse race only I was feeling like a Shire horse. Up the hill, round the bend for the first of four times and down the hill towards the finish. I had done a course recce as a warm up. Next a short stretch through the crowds before a left turn and dog leg to a steady incline with a steep pinnacle before turn two. The downhill taking in the log jump, this is The Grand National, which I hurdled like a steeplechaser.

On towards the lake via another turn and a ditch and a little step up in ground level. Then the more level ground presents the first of three mud baths on the fourth turn. This is when I remember it’s not long before that hill again. But the mud saps the energy of every runner. Knee deep water unless you find an ankle-deep mud only path. The result heavy feet with the sticky stuff. The hill is in full view awaiting your heavy feet. A long steady climb and the right hand turn and lap two begins.

I glance at my watch around 24 minutes for lap one but loosing ground to my club mates. I plod round lap two, still hurdled and as I approached the lake side the leaders sprinted past me making their way to the finish. Yes I was about half way when they passed me. My mental attitude unaffected by this usually demoralising sight. I had a lap and a half to complete my goal and with a consistent, steady effort a good time was possible. I cheered Johnny Brownlee as he passed.


Another club mate caught and passed me but my resolve was to finish. Others passed but my mantra was to make an effort in the final lap if I had anything left. The spectators and stewards responded to my name on vest ploy – Come On Steve ! This really gives you a mental lift, well worth the price of a printing fee.

The mud slowed me a bit, as did the hill but I was still running, well jogging, no walking yet? Down to the finish area to start the final lap and it would all be over. I have adopted a mental approach that half way or the final lap is when I start to race to the finish. Today I would be making an effort but not of race proportions. Still they passed me but I knew their would be other days when my body will respond.

Again I hurdled the log, the lakeside ditch was jumped in one go again, the mud and water fest was to be a walk but I started running immediately out of that mud towards the final hill. I pushed up the hill and felt my quads had the strength to run the whole hill. The turn presented the opportunity to race to the finish but I decided to maintain my pace and finish breathing controlled rather than bursting my lungs. A few more places lost but I have different goals to come.