Facebook – more conformity not subversion ?


Recently I was prompted to put a painting by an artist, chosen for me, on Facebook to break the sequence of words, and insert art, on Facebook. This is the painting.

The lack of diversity on Facebook, its popularity, its surveillance, its selling techniques all annoy me. My contributions seek to `subvert` the general short comment on an aspect of my life, usually very now. This living in the moment description lacks thought, depth and mirrors the popularity of so-called reality tv. However, reality tv is not reality it is a concocted space that displays social relations in that context. It may be entertaining, it may provoke conversation, debate, disagreement but it is not reality. Reality is the dark side (ascribed negative side) of life.

Death, mortality, murder, brutality, violence, hatred, ignorance, greed, identity, competition, etc.

Whereas the positive side of life – love, peace, harmony, making money, exploiting people, etc.

These human traits, difference, emotions, behaviour, thoughts, is the stuff of real life. However, the consequence of these is not going to go away because we keep positive thoughts unless every individual human has positive thoughts. This almost impossible thought will not become a reality. Therefore we are left with humans doing negative things. It’s about time we got over ourselves.

Are these negative actions always preceded by negative thoughts ? What is the difference between murder and manslaughter in a British court. In simple terms it is that murder is pre-meditated (planned and thought). Therefore there can be a killing that was not thought about beforehand. A negative action without a negative thought – spur of the moment.


Art can provoke reaction. Art can be controversial. Art can be political.

current training


I have used 1,2 & 3 as the basis of my current weekly training programme.

Plus 2 bike sessions and 1 strength-based workout.

then add 1 swim, another strength work out and possibly longer bike session.

To finally reach

Monday am strength workout (home-based/body weight based)  eve swim (technique minimum 1000m)

Tuesday am 10 x 1 min reps 1 min rest

Wednesday  am 20 min run 30 min bike 10 min run (increasing at least one by 5 mins each week)

Thursday  am 3 min at 4`30 pace 1 min at 4`10 pace x 2  6 mins rest repeat (increase to 5 min + 3 min gradually)

Friday am strength workout  REST DAY

Saturday am 3 x 1k at 4`15 pace 3-5 mins rest between   or   race (parkrun/xc)

Sunday am 1 hour bike 15 min run (increase if ok)  or  longer ride

This will be my specific training for A race – 8th March Dambuster Duathlon 10k run/40k bike/5k run in addition

2 x parkrun

2 x local xc races (Sunday 12th Jan 10k 53`33 Allestree Park)

northern xc champs (Saturday 25th Jan 12k 67`32 Knowsley Safari Park)

national xc champs (Saturday 22nd Feb 12k Wollaton Park)

personal development


Blowing the cobwebs away after the annual festivities of Christmas pre-new year warm up. Whatever this pained look on my face represented on Sunday 29th December it was not personal development. I could bore you with the gory details of my enforced pre-Christmas no exercise policy due to illness but instead let me present to you personal development mode.

Looking forward is a much emphasised activity at this time of year, new year resolutions and all. Well I have not pronounced any great intentions I have quietly put a plan in place for my personal development. In fleeting moments of clarity I recognise I have regularly had a plan for my personal development during my life. This motivation for improvement is a very individual thing?

As a Youth Worker I have been encouraging young people to plan ahead, set goals, keep motivated but on many occasions to no avail. There are many barriers, stumbling blocks and the like to overcome in order to improve and personally develop. The  being positive movement have been a source of irritation to me for many years as I view them as lacking a dose of reality and balance and maybe a lack of thought for others less fortunate?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing or should that be experience/age. I can see now that the adults around me when I was young were trying to help me learn from, or not make, the mistakes I made and avoid the pitfalls of life.


Personal development is like Marmite you love it or hate it – I love Marmite ! This is from a plan I set in  motion when I was about 23 year olds and decided to become a vegetarian. As I have explained many times this was not in response to disgust at animal cruelty but because I read an article which claimed a healthier diet would improve my running.  Personal development is about what clicks for you at any given moment. Unfortunately personal development does not have to be positive.

So I have entered Dambuster Duathlon, a qualifier event for European Champs and World Champs Standard Duathlon, there I go again trying to personally develop beyond my capabilities. Even in the 50-54 age category I will be nowhere near the top 4 places/times to gain an automatic place. However, the sport of triathlon has a unique? system whereby you may qualify, if you register (costs £10 per event) and finish within 120% of winning time in your age group and other higher placed finishers decline their option of a place. Ultimately you could represent GB at an event in Europe/World. Downside you pay all your expenses to attend. There I go again being negative and giving balance to the information.


Yes I have entered The Nottingham Triathlon – a qualifier for Europeans/Worlds. You can say I have more money than sense or I deserve a chance at glory at my age. My personal development plan says complete this event as fast as I can – it is a Sprint Triathlon. My fastest will not be breaking records, qualifying as of right – see reference above, it will hurt, it will require lots of detailed training and a desire to do my best regardless of what others do. Personal developers talk about `living in the moment`. The Triathlon community seems to be full of these types of people. Triathlon – a new religion?


Not another event in your personal development plan – I hear you say – yes ! Having completed The Vitruvian last year https://stevemon50.wordpress.com/2013/09/07/vitruvian-2013/ I know this course and I hope this helps to alleviate `the fear` of something new. Yes its a qualifier – can you see a pattern in my personal development plan – all so predictable and boring ! However some structure and predictability is necessary to achieve ? The lure of an unfettered, all singing, all dancing, new-fangled, never seen before and certainly not the same as any other example is motivation enough for some but …….


This Bill Hicks. No relevance to Triathlon. Certainly not an advocate of exercise, healthy lifestyle and the like. And as he would ironically say I`m dead (ha ha). Take a look http://billhicks.com/The_Vision.php


Not sure if this logo has worked. But this is the first Newcastle Triathlon Saturday 19th July 2014. Had to be done as Home Townish – Gateshead actually. Home of

ImageAngel of the North

ImageGateshead International Stadium

ImageThe Sage Music Centre

ImageThe Baltic Contemporary Arts Centre

ImageThe Tyne Bridge(yes the one they copied to put in Sydney, Australia) and the Blinking Eye bridge

The North – a bleak, blunt, wasteland


(Live in the old Tyne Tees studio on the Quayside, Newcastle)

but a friendly bunch!

Tough but smart

The latest issue of 220Triathlon magazine provides an article on the rise of the long distance triathlon in UK. It also tells us that the majority of events, and triathletes, are based in The South East. This may not be very surprising if you follow population statistics but if you don`t then why should you be ? If the number of UK residents doing triathlon, including long distance, is rising why is it less so in regions other than South East? Well for those versed in comparisons the obvious answer is income/wealth. The South East has the most jobs available, the highest incomes, etc. etc. Hence they can afford to enter one over priced event or several events. However, apart from a few hardy, or stupid, souls who do their first triathlon by doing a long distance one the majority do the shorter versions. Could there be other reasons for the boom? And if you need to be a hard Northerner, like the Brownlees, how come most participants live in The South? Are all, or the majority, participants of Northern heritage? Northern mentality? As a person born and bred in The North, Gateshead – yes I know it is technically South of the Tyne, apparently I have some hardy advantage over other mad souls. Apparently living in the dark, damp conditions of my hovel as a child meant I can cope with the mental torture of the pain of triathlon and the worse it is the longer the distance.  I have news for those who peddle this rubbish. The determination, felt nowt, attitude is a human quality/failing not personal to a place, upbringing, gender, sexuality, race which all serve as facile reasons for someones achievement. The propensity to locate `a reason` for something is flawed. It`s easy, lacks thought, insults our human race and its abilities. All races, creeds, sizes, equipment can finish an endurance event. The creation of debate about whether these things are important in finishing an endurance event is interesting but not crucial. It may be crucial if you have shown ability to finish in the top ten. However, this doesn`t mean the top ten are better than all the other finishers. In my understanding of democracy what is important is the majority not the winner i.e. the finishers. In order to finish it is about the persons determination, understanding, belief not where you were born, where you live, etc. As the numbers of first time, long distance, triathlon finishers increases it reinforces the importance of this determination. However, entering events to prove it is not cheap. Cheapest UK long distance triathlon £100+, most popular award-winning The Outlaw £275. On their own the price could be paid if you save, even if you are on low-income/benefits?, but can you find the time to train ? train sufficiently? train at all? This is where the determination is tested not just doing the event.

So you`ve got the determination but ……..

what about  overcoming the swim – cold water, unclean water, getting a wetsuit,

riding a bike if you have one

and finally running 26 miles (long distance version)

Another article in 220 Triathlon showed how a reasonable triathlete could compete in cheap equipment and still perform well. Equipment may squeeze a bit of time at the top end in a sprint tri but pretty much it is down to YOU!

So the equipment debates are pretty pointless as well although interesting to gain knowledge and understanding particularly the technicalities of bikes and swimming.

This leaves a burning question

Will the toughest competitor always beat the smartest competitor ?

Or will the toughest and smartest competitor beat both of them ?